Man Buys a 2$ Photo in an Antique Shop and is Floored When He Sees Who’s in It

A Hoarder

When he was a child, Randy’s mother figured his fascination with junk would pass. But in reality, his obsession only grew. And she was worried. Randy’s house became a pile of coins, books, comics, statues, paintings, clocks, trading cards, toys, stamps, and jewelry. To his family, his possessions were junk. But Randy ended up turning his obsession into something profitable.


Facebook/Randy Guijarro

Randy actually made a living by selling the treasures he collected. The way he saw it, everything he owned had a story to it. But then he met Linda. And when they decided to move in together, he made a promise to cut back on the collecting. But old habits are hard to shake. And it can be said that the fact that he didn’t stop his hobby was a good decision.

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