40 Facts for the 40th Anniversary of Airplane!

The Jive Lady

The part of the Jive Lady was written with Harriet Nelson, the actress who played the mother in the ‘50s sitcom ‘The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet,’ in mind. But she turned it down because she didn’t like the adult language of the script. She was replaced with Barbara Billingsley, who also played a mother in a ‘50s sitcom (‘Leave It to Beaver’).

Barbara Billingsley

Source: YouTube

Jerry Zucker admitted that they were “sort of obsessed with those ’60s family shows,” saying how he and his brother were like Beaver and Wally. Harriet Nelson later admitted to Robert Hays (who played Rex Kramer) that she regretted not taking part. Hays said of their meeting: “I met Harriet Nelson when she came to a filming of Angie, and I said, “You know, I heard you were supposed to be the woman who spoke jive.” And she said, “Oh, yes, but I was worried about the language! I’m so sorry I didn’t do it!”

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